Guidance from my Divine I AM
(please note : I am not qualified in trauma recovery or mental health issues, I ask that you take what resonates and leave what doesn’t and if you need to always seek medical support
from a qualified practitioner.)
Current times dear ones are moving so quickly and you are finding yourselves in the midst of an ocean of change. As you well know your outer reality is purely a reflection of your inner
one, and these changes that are happening in the World that you know is purely that confirmation of that inner reflection. We say this first because we are bringing to your
innerstanding the need to know that all is connected, all is part of the whole, one does not exist in isolation to the other. The awareness that your collective have been
experiencing of late is one of which experiences of your past (remember this is talking in terms of linear construct) are needing to be brought to the forefront for acknowledgement, purification
and releasing (stages of processing trauma). This process is vital to ensure that the move into higher levels of consciousness is realised and achieved. The baggage of these heavier
and dense energies needs to be released to allow for the light to lift you on an individual and collective level (micro and macro level). Many will experience this awareness as ‘trauma’ or
in a traumatic way. These realisations or truths that are about to be exposed to the masses will leave many in a state of shock and disbelief.
We know that some amongst you will be able to process this information easier because you have been exposed to it and been given the opportunity of time to digest it (mentally, emotionally and
physically), and we encourage you to view this has a gift, because you are amongst those whom have chosen to support and assist the masses. We are not labelling or judging any
individual in this process, that is why we won’t use the term awake or asleep (see previous message ‘what does it mean to be awake’ to explain more). So during this message we will
address you either as an individual (who’s expanded their awareness and have had the opportunity to adjust to the information) and the masses (who are unaware) please understand there is no
judgement intended just soul contract choice.
What is trauma
So currently all individual souls in this current incarnation in your reality have experienced or are currently experiencing trauma or a traumatic event in their lives, and this leaves the
individual feeling anything from loneliness, sadness, grief, illness,loss, poverty.. Etc. these traumatic circumstances may present themselves in a number of different ways,
but with each situation a few common aspects or similarities are present, each traumatic situation will have these aspects a) victims b)perpetrators (these are not necessarily
always people), c) injustice (judgement aspect) d) lack of control e)loss f) isolation. For instance if your traumatic event is grief due to losing a loved one, the perpetrator may be
the illness or accident which took your love one from this Earth plane.
So trauma is a label that we give to a set of circimstances/experiences which leave us feeling a certain way. The way we view these experiences is always in a negative light.
We all individually and collectively process trauma in exactly the same way, and that is what I would like to look at and concentrate on for this blog.
Processing through the stages and receiving trauma through our energy bodies
So trauma is a set of circumstances that we experience, and that experience needs to go through a number of stages to be process properly, the first being Acknowledgement, the second
is Purification and the third is Releasing. and we process these stages of trauma through our 4 energy bodies (Spiritual, Mental, Emotional and Physical).
To start with the trauma is received via the spiritual body, and in truth this process is often done prior to incarnation, this process involves you deciding before you incarnate exactly
what you want to experience to aid your expansion during this lifetime, and this includes what you want to experience by way of trauma. Trauma is often the souls most efficient way
to aid expansion. Think back to events in your life, the ones that are most traumatic are the ones that offer the greatest opportunity for expansion, so souls that decide to
experience many traumas will often have the faster opportunity to reach an expanded state. So if we take our current collective/mass group of souls experiences, the traumatic
opportunities currently are extremely high. For example we are being drip fed trauma on a daily basis whether you follow mainstream media (MSM) or alternative channels (AC), both are
offering the viewers opportunity to experience trauma, by following their narrative like we are heading for a nuclear war with Russia (MSM) or you are being exposed to child
trafficking information (AC), some would argue that one lies for purely fear propaganda purposes and the others exposes the truth (I don’t want to discuss that here), we can see both
of these experiences are leading the viewer to experience trauma, and this will be received and processed in exactly the same way. Hence why all souls currently are experiencing the
process of trauma, it is part of the ascension journey we are all here to undertake.
So during your incarnation (this journey) we then move the trauma into the mental body and there we will look at the process/stages of trauma.
Through the mental body, here is where we process the trauma via our mental mind, either your higher mind or your lower mind (ego), if we are in a state of awareness and are operating from
our higher mind, we can view the trauma in a more rational way, we can bring some clarity and reason to the experience, we may find that we view the experience from a higher perspective and
the thoughts that we use to process the trauma are utilising both side of the brain (creative and logical) processing the trauma more quickly to the next stage (purification) .
Alternatively if we are operating from a lower mind (unaware/masses), we will find that we have the mental chatter, the ‘monkey mind’ the repetitive thoughts,the playing over and over again
like a record, the need to search outside of ourselves for reassurance or clarity.
Here is were we briefly look at the stages of processing trauma (acknowledgment, purification and release), to process we need to first acknowledge the situation, acknowledge that we are
experiencing a traumatic set of circumstances before we can move onto the ‘purification process’, what can happen if we are in the lower mind, the playing over and over and external
validation searching, we can found ourselves struck at this level, which does not serve us or the processing of trauma at all. A way to see if we are struck here,is how often we are
looking for external reassurance or validation, for instance are we daily checking the news, rumble or telegram to see what is happening… (again no judgement here,but shining light to
acknowledge where you are at can help greatly). So ideally we need to acknowledge the trauma, then trust the process to allow you to move onto the next stage.
So when we have successfully processed trauma through the acknowledgement stage via the mental body we move onto the Emotional body.
So the emotional body is all about how we attach feelings to the experience of trauma, if we allow ourselves to feel the trauma at all, or whether we again find ourselves suppressing or
holding back the opportunity to process via the emotions. The process of grief often leaves individual at one stage feeling numb, I feel this is when we are resisting the emotional processing.
When we allow the trauma to be experienced via the emotions it is a really powerful part of the overall process. A positive sign that we are allowing this to take place is when we
cry, tears (often referred to as the physical manifestation of emotions) are a sign that we are acknowledging the pain and trauma. Its a great release on so many levels. But often we
hold back this release because we see it as a sign of weakness, or we are conditioned from an early time that because of our gender or role in the family we can’t cry. This is a great lie
and the need to cry is of paramount importance in the process of moving trauma through the emotional body.
And finally we will then bring the trauma through our physical body, we will acknowledge it physically. You may have heard before that the energetic process or flow of trauma in the
physical body can get struck from time to time or can find it hard to move through the physical vessel this can in some situation result in misalignment or blockages in the
energy channels that move energy through your body (meridians) and if not corrected can result in dis-ease.. When trauma is allowed to flow, we may experience discomfort
‘PAIN’, which I believe is a nudge (Present Action Is Needed) from your divine I AM to say,stop, breathe and allow for the flow of trauma to take place.
So during each of the stages of processing trauma (acknowledgement. purification and release) through the energy bodies (spiritual, mental, emotional,physical) the movement needs to be met
simultaneously before the trauma can move on to the next, so lets look at these now briefly.
Acknowledging Trauma
It seems strange, but many of us don’t acknowledge that we are in trauma or have experienced trauma. To deny this blocks the flow of trauma, it stops it in its tracks and is
detrimental on all levels. So to acknowledge trauma, to shine your light on trauma in your life, (which may mean going back to childhood and the inner child) to give yourself permission to
experience this and to open yourself up to the awareness and realisation is a massive deal. Acknowledging and being witness to the process doesn't mean you are removing yourself from the
experience, it means you maybe able to observe and minimise some of the attachment which can often be the most painful part. So considering trauma on a collective level, we witness
trauma of others, again we need to acknowledge and process in exactly the same way. Keeping your awareness of the fact that we can get struck here which halts the process and keep us
chasing our tails. I feel currently we may be at this stage, a little struck and are searching external for answers and validation that things will be ok, This is a big part of
the process bringing it into the light so that you/we can move onto the next stage - purification.
Purification of Trauma
This vital stage is the opportunity to transmute the energy of trauma from a lower frequency into a higher frequency. We do this via the energetic process of shifting our focus away from
Fear and moving it into Love. Again moving through each of the energy bodies (Mental, Emotional and Physical), we look at our thoughts, our mental processing, we ask questions like,
do we view ourselves as a victim? (non judgment is needed here), do we have any control over the situation? Etc. its really important to bring a loving and nurturing approaching,
using the energy of compassion and removing any attachment really helps this stage. Next you can look at shifting your emotions, instead of feeling the lower emotions, move
into emotions such as gratitude, self love and self acceptance, honoring your journey and the process to expansion. And finally moving the purification process through your physical
body, this may be that you need to commit to giving yourself the nurturing and self care you well deserve, the time to pause and reflect in a non judgemental and loving way.
Removing any physical barriers in your life that are preventing you from healing from this trauma is also important, this can sometimes result in moving away from certain people and
relationships, places and situations..
Releasing of Trauma
This is a natural ending but often intention setting works beautifully here, acknowledging that the trauma is now purified you’ve offered your gratitude for the opportunity its given you to
expand your consciousness and now its time to release it and let it go. By releasing you are removing or breaking the cycle which means you don’t need to manifest situation like these in
the future, its a super powerful part of your journey and your growth.
I know this message is long, but it feels important to share during these transformational times. Embrace the changes that are taking place within you and know that these are being
reflected on your world stage as systems and structures that you have always known to be there are suddenly dismantled and removed. Trust in the process and know that the Light as won. Love
as won.
Sending much Divine Love and Blessings to you all on your sacred journey,