Message from Galactic Collective
Dear Ones, it is our pleasure to connect with you today through out channel Alison, we come on the vibration of the highest frequency available to you currently and we bring with us
much love and wisdom.
We respect you beyond words and we witness the journeys that you are all embarking on, we want to say to that…’keep going’ and to encourage you by saying ‘not much further now’. We
know you are receiving much support by many off planet light beings and its a joy to witness the excitement amongst such a diversity of races, its actually serving so many of us to be
working in this way together with the diversity of consciousness that is here to see Dear Gaia and all her inhabitants ascend.
This week in your earthly time as seen a milestone reached on the ascension journey of Gaia and we are all rejoicing at the achievement of both your beloved planet and the lightworkers that are
so busy holding and anchoring the light, you have all done such an amazing job. We know that many have found challenges in the intensity of the level of light that is being received by Gaia
and we are working to try and minimise that in the future, but we would draw a comparison that these discomforts are liken to the labour pain a mother bears witness to when birthing a new
born, the discomfort can be extremely intense in the moment, but is long forgotten when the bundle of new born joy is held in the arms of a new mother. The absolute bliss that
is to come will far outweigh any discomfort that you are experiencing now, so we would offer this, if you can keep the end goal in sight, and breathe through these intense times,
this will serve you well and it will be well worth the focus and effort for the glorious times to come are not far away now.
We would like to speak to you all now about ‘being in service’ what that means and how it can be achieved?. To serve is to lovingly support another life form, whether that is Gaia or
any of the living inhabitants (animals, plants and of course other humans). To be of service can take many forms, this term is not only given to someone who will be working in the
healing arts,or teaching spiritual truths, although many of you feel this will be your calling. To be of service is to act in a selfless way, to serve without a need to gain from the
service. And to be of service in the most effect way is always when we serve from the Heart and we give with the up most compassion and gratitude for the opportunity. So we say that you can
truly be of service if you are a mother and you are wanting to cook and serve nutritional meals for your family or if you see a neighbour in need of help and without a moments thought you offer
support to that neighbour in a loving well. To be of service isn't a job title or a specific role that you will step into in a 9-5 fashion, true service is a way of BEING, an approach to
your every waking moment. When we acknowledge this way of being, we learn to flow with life’s opportunities and this can be truly magical and fulfilling on many levels. Can you
imagine for a moment if all of your human race were of service to others, how different your reality would be! How you would live your life day to day and how the hierarchical structures of
your societies would change. Many of us within this collective come from planets that purely operate in total service to others. We know no other way of being, and yet in your
reality it makes big headlines when someone goes (what you term) ‘above and beyond’ the call of duty, we see that as being in service to others.
You are heading into a whole new world and a whole new way of being and service will be a strong teacher to help you embrace and be this new way. So we would like to invite you all to
experiment with this, how does it feel,what does it take to be this way…. And the more you acknowledge your heart and love the easier this transition will be.
So we leave you with this, you are all beautiful beings of Love and when you return to that knowing, your life will become effortless, joyful and full of happiness. We your brothers
and sisters are here always to support that transition. In loving service.
Galactic Collective