The perfection in life which is demonstrated within our reality, ย co created by our higher self and the Universe ย is so magical and precious. ย It align us with exacting
circumstances, people, situations even resources to ensure that we expand consciously and grow.ย
These circumstances can be viewed either via the eyes of Love or Fear.ย
Love shows us the higher perspective, the bigger picture, ย the grand design, it allows us to remember something deep within our soul, ย this way of viewing our reality allows us growth
and expansion.
Alternatively if we view via the eyes of fear, this holds us gripped in a distaughted perspective, often in a reactive mode within a victim hood mentality. ย It doesn't allow us the insight
to see above or out of a situation. ย The beauty of all of this is that we are in control, we are the game players and we can have the choice to choose which way to go..... do we choose love
or fear.....
On reaching this realisation we can if we are in a place of fear, easily shift our approach and this will completely alter the way we live our life for the better. ย Awareness is key and we
all have the skills to harness this wonderful insight, it is not available to just a select few, we are all multi dimensional divine beings of unconditional love......
Choose wisely โค๐๐๐๐