I am being guided to share with you all the importance of water for our ascension
Water is a consciousness, we are learning to understand this truth, Dr Masaru Emoto introduced us to research showing the effect both positive and negative intent had on water, showing that when
consciousness meets consciousness it impacts each other. I am being guided to share that for our ascension it is vital that we ensure we are kept well hydrated, on pure natural
spring water (none fluoride). Keeping our bodies well above 63% hydrated, ideally around the 80% is much more beneficial. Symptoms such as joint pain, stiffness etc and dizziness can
be minimised if we are well hydrated. Remember alcohol and caffeine have the opposite effect, so if you are taking these make sure you increase your water in take further.
I was shown that water and the frequency it carries which when taken into the physical body actually increase our vibration towards unity / oneness consciousness, all things in this dimension
that we term as being alive need water to sustain life, there fore the link to unity is water...
Water is an essential ingredient for the process of the body changing from a carbon to a crystalline form and there for can not be undervalued at this time of our evolution.
Here is some info.....